I love the options of juice you have there... and my usual guy I deal with is amazing. However, the lady that helped me on this day, was... how do I word this nicely... not nice. She asked me for coils, no big deal, I needed them anyway, so I was like yes please 0.8 please. Which I now realize after a huge argument with her that you don’t carry them. So unfortunately due to this lady, I will never be going back to zen Vape. She was arguing with me about a coil that apparently doesn’t exist even though the coil was in my drag s Vape. I was able to get it at the vape store on Calgary trail so I’ll just continue to go there. The guy that usually works is amazing like I said, he was the one who sold me my vape and he swore that it was the best and I agree it’s the best one on the market right now. Just that lady left a very sour taste in my mouth.