Cons -
Some of the o rings can come loose if you move the stem while it's cold and had a bit of use (I assume from the buildup around the stem gumming things up)
I bought an extra battery and charger, however the replacement battery makes closing the lid super tight due to it being slightly larger than the one it came with, the door actually popped open and scared the bajebus out of me because it's under such tight tension with a different model battery)
-the screens seem a little on the cheaper side, and can gum up really fast with fine grind, I still haven't found out how to get the main body screen out easily but apparently it can be done, however it does clean quite nicely with just a brush for now at least)
-Digital screen is awesome, the timer is real nice too and it cooks evenly and very well in 5 mins (dark brown some black on 240 degree temp (max))
-super easy to understand and use.
-very easy to clean in between use, just a little brush and it's ready to go again. However a little more difficult cleaning the stem when you do a big clean, it needs to soak because it can get pretty gummy)
Magnetic cap is very nice too, it can pop off if you are not careful but the magnet that holds it on is pretty strong overall.
Overall coming from a pax 2 and a magic flight I'd give this one a 9 or 10 out of 10 and would reccomend it to someone, at least based on what I've seen in the 14 days since owning it.